Former Graduate Students

Former Postdocs

- Dr. Igor Vinograd
- Dr. Matthew Lawson
- Dr. Adam Dioguardi
- Dr. Seung-Ho Baek
- Prof. Ricardo Urbano
- Dr. Tod Caldwell
- Prof. Ben-Li Young
Former REU Students
- Sofia Davvetas (2024)
- Caleb Williams (2023)
- Dhan Bautista (2022)
- Tianna Green (2021)
- Sunny Choi (2020)
- Daphne Garcia (2019)
- David Chaparro (2018)
- Jalen Ziyad (2018)
- Michael Onyszczak (2017)
- Anthony Lapanta (2016)
- Amelia Estry (2015)
- Andrea Gaughan (2014)

Visiting Scholars
- Dr. Hans-Joachim Grafe, IFW Dresden
- Prof. Ali Benali, University of Tunis
- Dr. Rajib Sarkar, Technical University of Dresden
We are always looking for dedicated and motivated undergraduate, graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to join our team! If you are interested contact Professor Curro at