Magnetic Resonance reveals quantum critical fan

Yu-Hsuan, Cameron, Igor’s and former REU student Tianna performed extensive studies on TmVO4, and discovered that the NMR signal is wiped out in the quantum critical regime in this material that is a prototypical exam for the transverse field Ising model. In this case, the order parameter is ferroquadrupolar order of the Tm 4f orbitals, which can be suppressed in a magnetic field. This material also captures the basic physics of a qubit coupled to a quantum critical environment that has been studied extensively by the quantum information community. This work has been published in Physical Review Letters.


Nian, Y-H.; Vinograd, I.; Green, T.; Chaffey, C.; Massat, P.; Singh, R. R. P.; Zic, M. P.; Fisher, I. R.; Curro, N. J.

Spin Echo, Fidelity, and the Quantum Critical Fan in TmVO4 Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 132, iss. 21, pp. 216502, 2024.

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